My Moments

My Moments

Monday, April 28, 2008

Yesterday was Wayan's last day in Singapore... The SGBJ crews decided to see him off for the last time... Well not all were there... Total there were 7 of us... Shan, Alfee, Tam, Muhd, Sulhi, Fifi and Me... His flight was at 7 in the evening... So we talked and cam whore here and there... When he was about to go in to the departure hall, I almost cried.. MY PART-TIME BOYFRIEND is FINALLY LEAVING FOR BALI!!! Well, almost all of us wanted to cry... He was like a part of us and when he is finally leaving for home, we felt the lost!!! WAYAN... WE GONNA MISS YOU AND we are missing you at this moment... At least we do have sweet memories working with him... Ouh and I still remember his flight no. VF541 Valuair... Haha.. Oklah... I have nothing else to say... As I have promised to upload the pictures... Let the pictures do the talking yeah?