My Moments

My Moments

Friday, July 13, 2007

The 7 Best Things About Being the Oldest in Your Family
1. You get more privileges and independence
2. You experience things first so you can tell your siblings what to do and how to handle life's issues.
3. Your siblings and other members of the family look up to you
4. You have more responsibility, so you have many chances to prove yourelf
5. You don't get stuck with a lot of hand-me-downs
6. You're the first to experience the world and gain insight
7. You can pick on your siblings

The 10 Worst Things About Being the Oldest in Your Family
1. Your parents expect more of you
2. You get blamed for everything
3. You're expected to set an example for your siblings
4. You have to take care of your siblings when your parents can't, which means babysitting for them or dragging them along when you're going out
5. You're the family "guinea pig" because your parents practice their parenting on you first
6. Sometimes you have too much responsibility and get assigned too many chores.
7. Your parents let your siblings do things that you were never allowed to do when you were their age, which makes you mad.
8. When your siblings are younger, you have to clean up their messes.
9. You experience everything first, so you don't have any older siblings to warn you about important situations and issues
10. Parents are sometimes harder on the oldest siblings in the family. That's because parents are still "new" with the first, and they haven't yet been properly trained.

The 11 Best Things About Being the Youngest in Your Family
1. The "baby" in the family is usually the most spoiled
2. You're assigned fewer chores
3. Your parents are more lenient with you because they're more experienced and therefore less nervous.
4. You always have someone's attention.
5. You have an older siblings to give you advice when you need it
6. You get lots of hand-me-downs, so you always have plenty to wear
7. If you get into trouble with your parents, an older sibling can stick up for you
8. You get to check out your older sibling's friends and learn from what they do.
9. You don't have to babysit for anyone
10. Parents are usually more relaxed with the youngest, which means you can get away with more.
11. You can blame everything on your older siblings. After all, you're the youngest . You didn't know any better, right?

The 10 Worst Things About Being the Youngest in the Family
1. Your parents protect you more because you're their "baby"
2. Your older siblings have more privileges, like a later curfew or a bigger allowance
3. Your older siblings tease and pick on you
4. When you're younger, you get jealous of your older siblings because they can do things better or faster than you.
5. People sometimes have less respect for you and value your older sibling's opinions and actions more
6. Your parents don't take you seriously when you try to be responsible for yourself
7. Your older siblings boss you around
8. Your parents don't get as excited over some of your accomplishments because they've already seen it done before by your siblings
9. You get fewer new things and more hand-me-downs
10. It seems as if your older siblings are getting all the responsibilities and trust while you're stuck on Saturday night with a ten o'clock curfew. Sound familiar?!!

Find any similarities in your daily life?? I find a lot of these in me.. hehe... Being oldest or youngest in the family has its best and worst things OK?? So... don't be soo sad bout being the oldest or the youngest OK?? hahax...